wipro Coral Plus Rechargeable Solar LED Lantern

wipro Coral Plus Rechargeable Solar LED Lantern


Product information Solar Emergency Light


Dual Charging supply: Solar+AC supply

Simply plug in your lantern to charge it and when there is no access to a power supply, the sun can recharge your lantern.

The solar charging feature ensures an alternate and environment-friendly charging option.

4000 mAh powerful battery

The LED lantern is equipped with a 4000 mAh powerful battery, which gives upto 20 hours of backup, ensuring that you have the maximum fun, day and night.

Knob for easy dimming and brightness control

Equipped with a knob to make dimming and brightening easy.

Simply turn the knob to dim the light or increase the brightness.

360 degree light output

The 360 degree light output of the lantern, provides even illumination lighting up an entire space. This gives a much more natural appearance.

Top Holder for easy handling of the product

Light weight and convenient, the Coral plus LED lantern comes with a top holder for easy handling of the product. This makes it very handy when the need arises


A rechargeable lithium battery operated emergency light with a foldable hook that provides light in 360 degrees of direction. Battery Capacity: 4000 mAh.

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